唐山人才网 免费人才网─唐山一句话招聘信息:


唐山人才网 免费人才网
  • 北京优来咨询有限公司
  • 招聘职位:
  • 招聘内容:
  • 某国际知名时尚服饰零售巨头招聘店面主管,公司提供培训以及良好的晋升空间,有意者请发送简历到 ruby.han@urightchina.com 。 我们会尽快与您取得联系。 Main Responsibilities: As a head of section in one of our stores, you will be responsible for the following aspects: Product management: -suiting collections to customer's tastes, making orders, returns, ranges, invoice control (incidents) and dealing with complaints. -Also responsible for fitting alarms, fitting garments on hangers, folding, stacking, replacing, attending to alterations and orders, and carrying out the inventory for the section. Image: -Setting up and co-ordinating garments; -Controlling the image of the section. Personnel management: -Helping the manager in selecting staff to work in the section; -Evaluating and communicating impressions with the manager; -Training and motivating the staff in their section; -Helping the manager organize timetables, holidays, sales periods and bank holidays. 职位要求: 1、英语流利,能用英语进行沟通和表达; 2、对服装时尚感兴趣,希望在零售行业长期发展,形象气质佳; 3、学历本科以上(含本科); 4、倾向有海外留学经验并在留学期间做过part-time,或者国内读书有过零售行业工作经验。

    优来咨询(Uright Consulting)是一家专业的人力资源服务公司,提供人才推荐、招聘外包、人才培训等等服务。优来咨询所服务的客户均为大型外资企业,主要为各类中高端职位寻求优秀人才。

  • 以上“北京优来咨询有限公司招聘店铺主管-国际知名服饰零售巨头”的招聘信息、公司简介和联系方式来自唐山人才网 免费人才网,在打电话询问和应聘时可以说在我们唐山人才网 免费人才网看到招聘信息,以获得更好的求职效果。
  • 上一条招聘信息:上海亚东国际货运有限公司     下一条招聘信息:北京麦田房产经纪有限公司 下一条招聘信息:卫材(中国)药业有限公司EisaiChinaInc.
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