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  • 卫材(中国)药业有限公司EisaiChinaInc.
  • 招聘职位:
  • 招聘内容:
  • 要求: 大专及以上学历,医学、药学或相关专业; 30周岁以下,男女不限; 3年以上临床推广经验,有外企工作经验者优先; 良好的独立工作能力与语言表达能力。 职责: 负责卫材与卫材合作产品在医院的推广。

    公司理念 理解患者及其家属之喜怒哀乐,将其利益放在首位,不断地满足世界人类健康领域多样化的需求。 Strive for innovative solutions in prevention, cure and care for the health and well being of people worldwide by combining our talents to understand and meet the needs of patients and their families for enhance their quality of life. 公司目标 在任何医疗体系中,在商业活动中,贯彻法律和道德准则,成为一个具有存在价值、为人类健康保健服务的企业。 A human health care company capable of making a meaningful contribution under any health care system while observing the highest legal and ethical standards in business activities. 公司介绍      日本卫材株式会社是一家以研究开发医药产品为主的跨国公司,总部设在日本东京,始建于1941年,其海外分支机构、子公司和工厂分布于欧洲、美洲和亚洲各地。作为一家立足于科研的医药公司,我们十分重视产品研发工作。以筑波研究所为协调中心,大约有1300名研究者在全球昼夜不停的工作,开发下一代有创造性的新药,满足亟待解决的医学需求。我们致力于神经病学、胃肠病学以及肿瘤学专业领域的研究。为了涉足未来的专业领域,我们还在不断把研究拓展到新兴的前沿学科。   卫材(中国)药业有限公司是由日本卫材株式会社全额投资成立的独资制药企业。卫材自90年代初进入中国市场以来顺利发展至今,先后经历了沈阳卫材和卫材苏州,并于2002年起更名为卫材(中国)药业有限公司。   卫材(中国)的生产工厂位于苏州工业园区内,总投资额1.1亿万美金,占地25,000平方米。其中一期厂房占地5,000平方米,二期厂房占地8000平方米,管理楼800平方米,绿化7000多平方米。 工厂于1996年3月注册,1998年6月竣工,同年11月通过GMP认证,并于1999年5月正式生产。苏州工厂已经启动了一项废料分类计划,为了在中国成?quot;绿色卫材",工厂将继续此项计划的实施。     卫材(中国)秉承hhc的企业宗旨,以Compliance(遵守道德)为行为准则,以GMP为质量标准,向患者及其家属提供高质、环保、安全、满意的产品以及服务的同时,积极回报社会,资助医疗机构,设立医药奖学金,为促进中国医药市场的健康发展不懈努力着。目前,卫材在中国的产品主要涉及神经系统、消化系统、心血管系统等领域。     配合在华业务的快速发展,成长中的卫材中国诚邀更多有志之士加入!我们提供的不仅仅是一份职业,而是您事业发展的机会! Eisai Co., Ltd. Japan is a multinational pharmaceutical company with strong R&D capabilities. It was founded in 1941, with the headquarters located in Tokyo. Since its foundation, the Company has actively expanded into overseas markets and now has sales subsidiaries and factories in America, Europe and Asia. As a research-based pharmaceutical company ,we give high priority to research and development activities. With Tsukuba Research Laboratories serving as a coordinating center, approximately 1300 researchers globally work around the clock to develop next-generation and innovative new drugs to satisfy unmet medical needs. Our research is focused on areas of expertise in neurology and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as oncology. We are also expanding research into new frontier areas in order to establish future specialty fields. Eisai China Inc. is a pharmaceutical company solely invested by Eisai Co., Ltd. Japan, a multinational pharmaceutical company. Eisai has been developing smoothly in China since the early 1990s. It went through Shenyang Eisai and Eisai Suzhou successively (a Japan-funded company, located in Suzhou industrial Park), and later it was renamed as Eisai China Inc. since 2002. Eisai China Inc., Suzhou Plant is located in Suzhou Industrial Park. The total investment amounts to USD 50 million. The total area of the company site is 25,000 square meters, of which the first-stage production building occupies 5,000 square meters, the second one 800 square meters, administration block 800 square meters and greenery 15,000 square meters. It was registered in March 1996, and the construction of the factory was finished in June 1998. It received GMP certification in the same years and production officially began in May 1999. The Suzhou Plant has begun a garbage-sorting program. The plant plans to continue its effects in order to become the "Green Eisai" in China. Taking the hhc as corporation commitment, Compliance as business guide, and GMP as quality standard, Eisai China Inc. not only provides high-quality, environment-friendly, safe and satisfied products and services to patients and their families, but also actively repay the society by sponsoring medical institutes and establishing scholarships and etc. We will make unceasing efforts in contributing to development of China's pharmacy market. At present, Neurology, Digestive diseases and cardiovascular disease are major areas on which our products focused. Eisai China Inc. is developing very rapidly. We are hoping that you can help us make more and more successes as a member of OUR WINNING TEAM. We believe that you will find the job will not only match your abilities and passion but also be a great career opportunity. Hope to see you soon!

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